After Course Support
Your learning doesn’t end when you leave the classroom, that is when it really begins!
We are committed to helping you to continue to learn NLP, get NLP into your muscle, and assist you to use NLP how you desire in your life.
To help you to really get NLP in your muscle we deliver a variety of ongoing learning opportunities for you each month. Regardless of where you live or what you do, there is something available for you to keep learning!
We understand that there is a lot to NLP and the real learning comes after your classroom time is over.
From this page, NLP Worldwide students of the Practitioner and Master Practitioner course will be able to access the Student Membership Sites where you’ll gain more insights into applying NLP into your daily life. We have a variety of articles, exercises, tips and reminders available for you.
Knowledge is only a rumor until you get it in your muscle.
NLP Practice Groups
Graduates of NLP Worldwide Exclusive. NLP Practitioners and Master Practitioners, grab your NLP manual and come practice! We hold and promote various practice groups throughout the month and year. Attending is a great way to keep your skills fresh, meet other NLPers and practice NLP!
Each month a small group will discuss and practice a different NLP tool – the prerequisite to attend is NLP Practitioner Certification, an open mind and the willingness to play! Our online groups are run on Zoom and we use Zoom Rooms to break out into pairs and trios to practice different techniques.
If you want to run a practice group in your area or online, let us know and we will promote it!
Next Practice Groups:
Group Supervision
Twice per month Dr. Heidi facilitates a Supervision session to assist coaches using NLP with clients.
Review Your Training
Attend your NLP Training again as a reviewer and experience NLP from a diferent angle. We recommend reviewing every few years!
Webinar Library
Watch our archive of webinars, coaching demonstrations and more. Access years of learning at the touch of a button.
Advanced NLP Skills
Gain new skills with online training which will share 24 new tools over 12 months with monthly practice groups and lifetime access.
Back to the Basics
Attend the NLP Prac Starter online training and get back to the basics. This is a 3 session live Zoom series run throughout the year.
Coach Mentoring
If you are a Coach or training to be, Dr. Heidi runs a dynamic Mentoring program which will help you further develop your NLP Coaching skills.
Living NLP
If you are serious about Living NLP and getting it into your muscle, then this Coaching program, focused on your self mastery is for you!
Coach Swap
Quarterly we run a Coach Development Program where you will be paired up with another NLPer to swap coaching sessions and gain skills!
NLP Coach Training
Did you know we have an ICF accredited Coach Training program? If you are a coach or want to be and looking for an edge… look no further!
Become an Affiliate
Help us to share NLP with others and become an affiliate of NLP Worldwide. You will earn commision on enrolments for NLP Training.
The NLP Association of Australia provides ongoing learning, support, website listings and more for NLP Trained individuals.
The NLP Association provides ongoing learning, support, website listings and more for NLP Trained individuals.
Upcoming Training
Since 1994, The Worldwide Institutes of NLP have been offering NLP training throughout the world. All of our courses exceed the international minimum requirements of NLP and contain all required elements, including Timeline, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Coaching.
Our programs are all lead by one or both of our NLP Master Trainers – Dr. Heidi Heron & Laureli Blyth.
Schedule a Training Needs Assessment
Getting to this point of choosing your Trainer for your NLP and/or Coach Certification is an important one. We want to help answer your questions to find out if our training meets your needs. Additionally, we will have some questions for you to ensure that you are also a good fit for our programs. You'll meet with Dr. Heidi Heron, or one of our Training team at NLP Worldwide.