First and foremost the NLP journey starts and ends with you. Without embodying these tools for yourself in your own life, they are challenging to use with others.
So,If you are ready to simply take the leadership role in your life – then NLP is a great tool to have to help you.
In NLP we know that you are in charge of your mind, therefore, your results. And all NLP tools help to create a life filled with more wholeness and choice. Approximately 40% of all of our students learn NLP simply as a personal development tool. They find the tools to be very versatile for use in every area of life.
As an NLP Practitioner with a focus on Personal Development, NLP will help you to:
- Understand how you create and use the patterns of emotion, behaviour and belief in your life.
- Enhance or change any patterns which will help you to live your best life.
- Improve your communication with your self and with others.
- Motivate yourself to achieve your goals and desires.
- Understand how the language of the mind creates the programs of life – and how to change them when you desire.
- Live your life as a more authentic you – to get out of your way and be the best you can be.
Ultimately, there are three facets of life that NLP can greatly improve:
A person’s State is your mood or emotion that you are having at any given point in time. Your State has direct correlation to the behaviours you have and the action you take. With NLP you can manage your state and have total control over your mind, emotions, behaviours and beliefs.
A person’s Story is your history and often times becomes an excuse or reason for not taking action. NLP will help you to reclassify the stories of your life, to access the resources available in your stories and to use your history to help make you stronger and more resourceful for the future.
A person’s Strategy is the unconscious patterns of emotion, belief, behaviour and thought that either sets you up for success or failure. With NLP you will learn a variety of techniques that will help you to enhance the strategies that work well and change the one’s that do not.
With the skills of NLP in your toolbox for life the possibilities become endless. Adages such as If its possible for someone, it is possible for me really come true. In fact, the more you use NLP in your everyday life, the more it becomes a filter and the easier it is to Be, Do and Have what you want in life.
These powerful skills are so dynamic and simple, if it were possible, we would make NLP Practitioner Certification a pre-requisite to being an adult! At the very least to becoming a parent.