The powerful skills of NLP can be used in all aspects of your life – in this 2-hour evening workshop we will be introducing you to a few of the personal development concepts that you’ll be able to take into life right away. This is a hands-on very experiential workshop where you will experience and take away the Power of NLP.
During this workshop we will explore:
- How your mind creates and manages your states
- How the language you use verbally and non-verbally effects your outcomes
- How to tap into ultimate emotions of positivity, control and power of your life
Workshop Details:
Date: Tuesday, 4 April, 2017
Time: 10:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $25.00. bring a friend for $10.00
Venue: Sydney NLP Training Centre, CBD
Pre-requisite: None
Meet Your Trainer
Heidi has been involved with the technology of NLP for most of her life and is an International Master Trainer of NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Doctor of Psychology. She has obtained her Doctorate in Psychology; Masters in Adult Education and Bachelor Degrees in Psychology and Communication. Heidi has a background in Corporate Human Resources Management and Personal Development. She has studied NLP with some of the top leaders in NLP and continues to up-skill herself personally and professionally. Heidi has been working in the field of Human Development since 1992. Currently, Heidi holds the role of Chairperson for the Australian Board of NLP ( Heidi is the co-author of the book 30 Days to NLP.
Email: heidi @
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