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You Must Learn NLP

156 ways learning NLP will improve your life 

written by NLP Worldwide Master Trainers
Dr. Heidi Heron & Laureli Blyth 

Or purchase a paperback copy at 

Check out some of these questions and let us know how we can further assist you!


Over the years we have been asked the same types of questions so we have compiled the following of Frequently Asked Questions to assist you with any enquiries you may have. We know that choosing an NLP Trainer isn’t always an easy task – there is a lot of jargon, marketing hype and everyone claims to be the best. We encourage you to find this out for yourself!

If you have any questions not covered here, please feel free to contact us!

We also invite you to have a look at our article: Before Your Commit: 10 Questions to Ask Your NLP Trainer

Check out some of these questions and let us know how we can further assist you!

Over the years we have been asked the same types of questions so we have compiled the following of Frequently Asked Questions to assist you with any enquiries you may have. We know that choosing an NLP Trainer isn’t always an easy task – there is a lot of jargon, marketing hype and everyone claims to be the best. We encourage you to find this out for yourself!

If you have any questions not covered here, please feel free to contact us!

We also invite you to have a look at our article: Before Your Commit: 10 Questions to Ask Your NLP Trainer

Who recognises the training with the Worldwide Institutes of NLP?

Over the years we have woven a great relationship with many major NLP Training Institutes and renowned NLP Trainers.  We are recognized by the American Board of NLP, NLP University with Robert Dilts and Judith Delozier, Institute for the Advanced Study of Health (IASH) and The Australian Board of NLP.

While there is no World organization that governs NLP, there are general guidelines that each institute should maintain for the minimum requirements in their certification courses.

What does “NLP Practitioner Certification” mean?

Certification as an NLP Practitioner is a benchmark certification confirming you understand the theoretical components of NLP Practitioner content, and can demonstrate competency using NLP skills in practical situations. The Institutes’ certificates are recognised by various NLP bodies throughout the world. The standard training accepted in the NLP world is 120 hours, which with the Institutes is made up of a combination of home-study, live training and classroom assignments. With the assignments set, your training time actually exceeds the normal 120 hours standard.

Some NLP trainers require me to watch a lot of videos or listen to multiple audios before attending a course. How come you don’t?

NLP is best learned in a hands-on approach and listening to auditory information is not the preferred learning method for most people. In fact, only 20% of the population have a learning style of “auditory”, and even these individuals do not learn best by listening to audio tracks, they learn best by being involved in a conversation and hearing what other people have to say. From our research, companies that require you to listen to information before attending their courses and provide you with “actual course content” are simply giving you a recording of a previous course and you will then hear the exact same information when in attendance. Most learners would rather learn the information in a live setting where they can interact with the trainer, ask questions and see what is happening at the same time. In short – we don’t require pre-listening because we know your time is valuable and we would rather you use your time for more important things. 

That being said, the moment you enrol in our NLP training you will gain access to our Student Membership Site where you will gain access to videos teaching you some of the core concepts of NLP Fundamentals and Communication Essentials – you can start to use and experience NLP immediately. You’ll also be invited to a group Zoom call where you can practice your new skills even before you step into the training room! 

What is the difference between your accelerated method of training NLP and the longer courses I’ve seen?

Originally NLP was only taught to Doctors and licensed medial practitioners.  According to NLP founder Richard Bandler, “They applied the principles of NLP to the teaching of it and developed accelerated training courses. Although some people cling to the notion that Practitioner training still has to take 22 days, that way of setting standards actually goes against one of the inherent principles of NLP – as you get better at something you should be able to do it more efficiently and effectively. Few people realise that the original 22-day course was partially designed so that it would fulfil the in service training requirements of licensed therapists in America. Not because it took that long – that’s the point.”  We see the constant evidence of how the mind is able to learn and retain accelerated knowledge.

We have assisted on a variety of courses throughout our tenure in NLP – the students in the longer courses do not learn more, nor do they seem to learn better – it simply takes longer.

What is the difference between your training organisation and others?

We would rather not discredit or talk down other Institutes as we believe we all have a place in making the world better.   Instead, we’ll tell you of the virtues and values we add.

  • We keep our number of participants under 25 per training.  Most of our courses average sizes are 14 to 20; this allows one-on-one attention from the trainers, excellent group rapport and your individual needs are met.
  • We provide tables for you to put your manuals, books, and note-taking.
  • In Sydney, we are centrally located with our own purpose-built training and consultation rooms.
  • Each class is different and tailored to the participants, thus everyone’s intentions are met.
  • In Master Practitioner, you will participate in clinic hours where you practice NLP in real terms.
  • Our Certificates are internationally recognized and accepted by the major NLP Institutes in the World
  • Ongoing support and coaching or mentoring are available
  • Monthly practice groups around the world
  • Monthly Online Practice Group
  • Supervision options with Laureli or Heidi
  • Ongoing education and workshops for instance; Advanced NLP Techniques, NLP for Health, Higher Self Therapy using NLP, NLP Coaching Certification, NLP Trainer and Presentation Skills.
  • We use the accelerated method which means you get the “mind-muscle” generative learning.
Do you teach Timeline?

Timeline is now and always has been an essential ingredient of NLP and was originally created as a concept by Sigmund Freud and strongly originally modelled by Connirae and Steven Andreas in 1984.   Interestingly it seems impossible to utilize NLP without taking into consideration timelines. Many years ago a the term Time Line Therapy® was trademarked – however, the timeline techniques of NLP are not separate to NLP, they are a part of it and a requirement of the international standards to teach timeline techniques in both the NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainings.

Time Line Therapy® is a Registered Trademark of Dr. Tad James. Used with permission.

What does hypnosis have to do with NLP?

The form of hypnosis taught in NLP is known as Ericksonian Hypnosis – modelled on Dr Milton Erickson. He had a form of very conversational hypnosis which altered the state of his patients without the use of ‘clinical’ hypnosis. Clinical hypnosis is what most people think of when they think of hypnosis – it is what is used on television, in movies and on stage. That, however, is not the kind of hypnosis NLP uses.

The importance of  Hypnosis use in NLP is two-fold.  First, the mind stores all its memories, emotions, and data about self and the world in its unconscious mind.  The way we reach this part of the mind effectively is via trance.  You learn how to get into rapport and assist others to relax in order to open the communication to this part of the mind conversationally.  This is taught with integrity and is not mind control.  Anyone who communicates with anyone else in the world already puts people into a trance, we teach how to do it to help you and understand others.  Secondly, wording your words in a particular order can give a powerful message.  This is done on TV. radio and media advertising.  Most sales and marketing companies use these types of hypnotic language phrases and tools.  It is a great way to help people see another side of a situation.  Storytelling is a great example of this type of hypnotic trance.

Is there research that substantiates NLP?

YES!! Contrary to various ideas, NLP does have quite a bit of research behind it. We recommend two sources: 

  • Have a look at the NLP Research and Recognition team, is doing various studies regarding trauma with war veterans using a specific NLP technique called the VK Dissociation Process –
  • Another great resource highlighting some amazing research is on the NLP Leadership Summit website.
Is NLP a pseudoscience?

Short answer – yes it is! And we at NLP Worldwide are very thankful for this.

First, let’s define pseudoscience to help understand our answer? Ultimately, pseudoscience is anything without a great deal of scientific study behind it. Examples of other helping modalities that fit into the category of pseudoscience include traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, applied kinesiology, reflexology, hypnosis, and many, many more!

NLP has never claimed to be scientific, nor has it ever claimed to be grounded in rigorous scientific studies. While there are a variety of studies using NLP, both peer-reviewed, blind, and anecdotal studies on the communication, leadership, coaching, and therapeutic approaches of NLP; are an exception to the rule.

NLP was first developed as a communication method, which has been developed into a variety of techniques that are useful in coaching and therapy contexts. However, the skill and artistry that helps NLP to work very well are very client centred – the approach an NLP Practitioner will take will vary greatly depending on the client – tailoring each NLP tool to a client allows us to be flexible and adapt NLP to the model of the world of our clients. One of the key presuppositions of NLP is to respect a person’smodel of the world, therefore there is a great benefit of NLP being a pseudoscience. In our opinion – this is a great thing!

We invite you to learn more with Dr. Heidi on her YouTube Channel where she answers this exact question – Is NLP a Pseudoscience?


Upcoming NLP Level 1 Training

When you choose the NLP Coach Certification, you will start with our NLP Starter training, and following this (Coach Starter), you can also begin to your NLP Coach Building Blocks - followed by the NLP Level 1 Training. 

Event Type

Event Location

Apply Filters

sat05apr(apr 5)9:00 amfri11(apr 11)6:00 pmNLP Level 1 - Practitioner CertificationSydney, Australia

sat03may(may 3)9:00 amfri09(may 9)6:00 pmNLP Level 1 - Practitioner CertificationOnline: Live via Zoom (AU time zone)


We only have three Level 1 trainings scheduled in 2025. If you are considering learning NLP or completing our NLP Coach Certification with Dr. Heidi Heron and NLP Worldwide, we encourage you to secure your spot now as space is limited. 

Upcoming Training

Since 1994, The Worldwide Institutes of NLP have been offering NLP training throughout the world. All of our courses exceed the international minimum requirements of NLP and contain all required elements, including Timeline, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Coaching.

Our programs are all lead by one or both of our NLP Master Trainers – Dr. Heidi Heron & Laureli Blyth.

Event Type

Event Location

Apply Filters

sat05apr(apr 5)9:00 amfri11(apr 11)6:00 pmNLP Level 1 - Practitioner CertificationSydney, Australia

sat03may(may 3)9:00 amfri09(may 9)6:00 pmNLP Level 1 - Practitioner CertificationOnline: Live via Zoom (AU time zone)


We only have three Level 1 trainings scheduled in 2025. If you are considering learning NLP or completing our NLP Coach Certification with Dr. Heidi Heron and NLP Worldwide, we encourage you to secure your spot now as space is limited.