Meta Practitioner

NLP Practitioners, Master Practitioners, and Trainers, let’s keep learning!

As an NLP Coach or Therapist, you don’t want to get stuck with your standard NLP techniques. Sometimes the tried-and-true get repetitive, might not get deep enough, or hit the right spot. You want access to more options to choose the best tool for your client where they need it most. Gain access to 24 NLP Techniques not trained in NLP Prac or Master Prac training.

Gain immediate access to this online training including a comprehensive workbook, teaching, and demonstration videos, with lifetime access to the training materials. 


Watch 1 lesson Now

Access the training and demonstration, and download the process notes for the Nurturing Your Inner Child technique.


Note from Dr. Heidi 

I remember learning NLP, just like you – as an NLP Practitioner, then Master Practitioner, then NLP Trainer – I wanted more! I scoured books, magazines, websites, trainings, workshops, and videos to soak in as much knowledge as I possibly could.

With over 23 years of NLP experience, my toolbox is full – and being a lifetime learner, I’m adding more tools all the time. Many of the techniques I use with my clients come from outside of the general NLP Prac and Master Prac manuals, and I have a desire to open my advanced NLP skills toolbox and share its contents with you.

You will be learning new techniques you can use with yourself, your clients, and even add to your training programs. We will jump into processes created by Robert Dilts, Michael Hall, Connirae Andreas, Steve Andreas, and quite a few that I’ve created myself. 

I’ve had a lot of fun developing, and delivering this program. Now, I look forward to sharing even more of my world of NLP with you! 

Dr. Heidi Heron PsyD

NLP Master Trainer, NLP Coach & Therapist, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Director of Training & Operations


Watch 1 lesson Now

Access the training and demonstration, and download the process notes for the Nurturing Your Inner Child technique.


24 new NLP Techniques

In this online, self-paced workshop, you will learn 24 new NLP techniques to use with clients and with yourself. If you are ready to go META and fast-track your learning of 24 new processes the Meta Practitioner Training is for you! Facilitated by Dr. Heidi, The processes included in this training are generally not included in NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner training. You will learn new skills developed by Robert Dilts, Michael Hall, Connirae Andreas, Steve Andreas, Alistair Horscroft, Laureli Blyth, Dr. Heidi herself, and more.

If you are an NLP Coach, Therapist or Trainer you are going to gain a lot of tools for your clients and students. If you are interested in more personal development and growth, you will also gain tons of knowledge and even more skills to help yourself to navigate life. 

Learn more about each process by clicking the drop-down below.

Colluding & Colliding Beliefs

This process was developed by Robert Dilts in the early 1990’s as a result of modeling the way that visionary leaders – such as Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King – dealt with external resistance to their visions and missions. Rather than seeking and attempting to attack the source of the resistance in others, these leaders would first look inside themselves to explore what colluding beliefs they had which could be unconsciously supporting, encouraging or validating the external resistance.  

Belief Change Cycle

Yes, change is not always easy.   Yet, people naturally and spotaneously change dozens, if not hundreds of beliefs during their life.  In this process, we use the natural cycle of belief change to change unwanted beliefs.

Emotional Enmeshment

This process was created by Robert McDonald in 1989, aimed at assisting people to disconnect from someone or something they feel overly enmeshed with. It has been adapted to include disconnection and a forgiveness reframe. This could include being dependent on that person, not being able to get them out the mind, not being able to move on or holding onto this person regardless of the situation.  

Self Love Repatriation

Modelled and created from two different processes from Robert McDonald, this process is about helping someone come home to self-love. It allows the client to find a new connection to independence, healthy dependence and trust.   

Nurturing Inner Child

The aim of this process is to connect to a persons inner child and ensure they know they have the resources and worthiness to live in their life wholeheartedly and abundantlyunconditionally 

Balance Meta Programs

Our Perception of the world is important in forming our beliefs, our behaviours and out outcomes. We tend to do what comes easiest for us – most of the time simply out of habit. However, when we know better, we can do better 

 This exercise will give you the opportunity to look at a problem type situation from a variety of different perceptions – allowing you the ability to come to a conclusion or decision that might be more effective for you now and in the long run.  

Meta Stating Concepts

This process is a great example of changing a belief through Meta Questions. Created by Dr. L. Michael Hall, we are identifying a troubling concept (belief) that a person has and gaining a greater understanding of it through asking multiple questions about the Present and Desired states – changing an old belief and creating a new, more resourceful one.

Mana Dichotomy

This process is an adaption from an ancient Hawaiian tool which enables the separation of a dichotomy (Ku and Kanaloa) by drawing up the Mana (energy), connects to Kane (creation) and ask I’o (universe) for guidance. The aim with this process is to create more choice, clarity and certainty within the client.  

Spinning Icons

Let’s play with Submodalities! This week we have two processes to play with – both called Spinning Icons. One is looking at parts that are in conflict and another is looking at an undesired state. I love the aspect of playing with submodalities in such a simple way; I’m reminded that once something changes this opens up a channel for everything to change! 

The Journey

The journey is a process of emotional and phyical healing created by Brandon Bays.  It utilises a variety of NLP tools to create a profound and deep treatment.

Values Proposition

Normally we use Values to find out what is important to someone in order to assess what we can continue, change or improve. We can also use values to identify the importance or value of something we offer to others – like a service for example. Today we will be investigating a tool I’ve created called Values Proposition – it is a simple process which will help you to create an elevator pitch, help with marketing a service, explaining services and getting to the heart of what you or a client does.  


This is a meta stating process created by Michael Hall that can be used to take the pleasure or desire out of a behviour, idea or experience. For example, it may be used for unwanted pleasures such as smoking, over-eating, drinking, watching TV, playing games, phone use, etc. It is also useful in reducing negative addictions. 

Excuse Blowout

When excuses dominate, we are choosing our excuses over our own values, desires and visions, we are excusing ourselves from excellence!  With this process, we will learn to refuse to let go of what we want, take back personal power and gain the determination to say no to the excuse and yes to our desires.  

Creating Abundance

“The quality of your thoughts is the outcome of your life.”   As you know your mind creates your reality.  By mastering your inner dialogue you can transform reality into prosperity and abundance. In this process we will be combining tools including perceptual positions, submodalities, unconscious pattern change and future pacing to create an abundance of abundance! 

Neuro Levels Embodiment

The Neurological Levels from Bateson/Dilts are amazing to explore and investigate with. We can use them as an Alignment process to ensure congruence between all levels, and we can also use them as a top-down process for aligning Identity to a desired state.   
Sometimes clients don’t know specifically what they want, but they usually know that whatever is happening in life now isn’t what IT is. We will start the process with a guided visualization of a ‘dream’, ‘wish’ or big picture of the future.  

Developing a Self Concept

Your Self Concept is literally how you conceive of, or in the literal sense, create your self, your identity. It’s by creating your self image that you define who you are for yourself and everyone else. 

Frequently people think this a matter of fate and is unchangeable. Yet it has changed for everyone as they progress through life, with or without any intent. What this section will give you is a few simple ways you can start making changes in your self image that you choose.

Do - Be - Have

Decades ago, Steven Covey introduced the Be-DoHave model to the mainstream in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The idea is quite simple and can be used in any situation not just goal setting. By asking meta model questions and accessing states from other points of view you can gain clarity and insight to overcoming overwhelm, indecision and stuck states.   

Create a New Self Concept

Changing the self-concept is particularly powerful in changing a person’s responses and behavior, because the self-concept is: 

One of many possible generalizations, based on selecting a set of experiences (out of all the experiences we have had) and assembling them. A relatively large generalization in terms of scope or extent; 

Something that goes through time and across contexts,  (like your name) so that changes in it tend to generalize very widely in time and space; 

A process that describes itself, so it is self-referential or self-generating.  It is an example of a “feed-forward,” generative system that creates itself. 

Core Transformation

Core Transformations was developed by Connirae and Tamara Andreas over 20 years ago. Core Transformation is a tribute to the Unified Field Theory – how we can use NLP Presuppositions with basic NLP processes and techniques to assist people in making changes in their lives and reaching their goals. The “Core” of Core Transformation Process is to intuitively keep going deeper and deeper by asking questions. 

Bang Bang

The Bang Bang process was created by Kevin Creedon after working with a variety of individuals who had chronic illness and needed to overcome internal and external thought viruses. It is a great reframe of taking ownership of our own thoughts while respecting someone else’s model of the world.  

Change a Negative Quality

This process is another in the Self-Concept family and will be used in transforming a quality someone considers to be negative into something more positive. This unwanted quality often pops up when there are many counterexamples overtaking the quality. Therefore, we will be transforming the generalization of the unwanted quality. 

Charisma Walk

The Charisma Walk is a fun resource anchor that uses a kinaesthetic approach to stacking anchors. Created by Alistair Horscroft with a different name, it is useful in many different contexts where these charismatic states are relevant or required.  

Sage Advice

The Charisma Walk is a fun resource anchor that uses a kinaesthetic approach to stacking anchors. Created by Alistair Horscroft with a different name, it is useful in many different contexts where these charismatic states are relevant or required.  

Compulsion Blowout

This process was created by Richard Bandler in the mid 1980’s. Its purpose is to bring choice to something that has been a compulsion so the client doesn’t have to do the behaviour or habit.  

Workbook Access Only

Instant access to 46-page downloadable PDF workbook with step-by-step scripts for 24 new NLP techniques.

Tuition: $395.00 USD

Full Meta Practitioner Learning

Instant access to video teaching and demonstration of 24 new NLP techniques plus downloadable PDF workbook. 100% online.

Tuition: $695.00 USD

Lara Wentworth

NLP Master Practitioner, Coach, Trainer

This Advanced NLP course really gave me the edge and took my learning to a whole new level. The processes in the course are so well thought out and effective. I specifically love Nurturing the Inner Child and Core Transformation processes and find them so useful in creating wholeness and choice for people.


Nick Mandoso

NLP Practitioner, Coach

 I’m so glad I signed up for this program and am so grateful to be able to have access to those processes on the website for life as I constantly visit the site and learn more and more. If you are looking expand your toolbox and learn from the best minds in the NLP world, do it! Create more choice for you as a coach and for your client.


Vicki Laws

NLP Coach, Trainer & Consultant

 I enrolled to continue my NLP learning journey. I felt that I was ready to add more NLP skills to my toolbox. The biggest take away for me is that there is always a NLP process or technique that will benefit the person you are working with, or yourself.


Xiag Lee

NLP Master Practitioner, Coach

Wow! What great tools. I loved learning Values Proposition and Mana Dichotomy. They took me out of what I’ve known as NLP and into a whole new world of possibilities. Everything is taught so simply, with guides to follow, teaching videos, and demonstrations. Loved it!

Mei Ouw

NLP Trainer & Coach

I enrolled in the advanced NLP training as I know that Heidi has had the opportunity to train with many of the NLP masters that we don’t get access to. This means that we have the privilege of learning some incredible processes taught in Heidi’s pragmatic and easy-to-understand way. 


Julia Edwards

NLP Master Practitioner, Coach

I’ve absolutely loved learning these processes. Heidi’s style of teaching is clear and she makes concepts easy to understand. She is incredibly generous with her knowledge and has such a commitment to quality and continued growth. It’s hard not to be inspired by her passion and enthusiasm.

Michael Anders

NLP Master Practitioner

I enrolled because Heidi is an amazing trainer and I knew I’d learn a lot. What I didn’t know is these tools came from so many trainers from around the world and Heidi has learned with them all. I, therefore, got to train with so many trainers from around the world, get new learnings, and have an amazing resource to come back to again any time I want.


Wendy Cooper

NLP Master Practitioner

NLP Meta Practitioner is an opportunity to stay connected with NLP land and also learn new skills. I love the online format of the training-exploring the theory, looking at practical applications, and then a demonstration video. Releasing emotional enmeshment and spinning icons is a good one to use in all aspects of life!

Upcoming Training

Since 1994, The Worldwide Institutes of NLP have been offering NLP training throughout the world. All of our courses exceed the international minimum requirements of NLP and contain all required elements, including Timeline, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Coaching.

Our programs are all lead by one or both of our NLP Master Trainers – Dr. Heidi Heron & Laureli Blyth.

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sat05apr(apr 5)9:00 amfri11(apr 11)6:00 pmNLP Level 1 - Practitioner CertificationSydney, Australia

sat03may(may 3)9:00 amfri09(may 9)6:00 pmNLP Level 1 - Practitioner CertificationOnline: Live via Zoom (AU time zone)


We only have three Level 1 trainings scheduled in 2025. If you are considering learning NLP or completing our NLP Coach Certification with Dr. Heidi Heron and NLP Worldwide, we encourage you to secure your spot now as space is limited.